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showcase schools program

who we are


The Showcase Schools program is designed to recognize and share promising practices across New York City
Department of Education schools. In collaboration with a Central Showcase team member, each school plans and
hosts transformational learning experiences with differentiated activities for educators from across the system.
Together, they make the learning of their journey visible, and design activities, guided tours, and artifacts that expose
visitors to their practices, as well as the systems and processes that help those practices thrive. By opening their
doors, schools show what is possible for students and teachers, inspiring and supporting their visitors in adapting the practices for their own contexts. Through this work, Showcase schools are contributing to a system-wide effort to
achieve equitable outcomes for students.

“Our schools are better when we collaborate, and that’s why the Showcase Schools program will foster growth in our school communities.”

Former Chancellor Carmen Fariña

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program goals

The Showcase Schools program seeks to:

  • Provide transformational learning experience that inspire continuous improvement towards racial equity citywide

  • Strengthen practice, outcomes, and culture at Showcase host schools

  • Contribute to system-wide culture of collaboration

learning focus areas

Showcase Schools are schools that have demonstrated promising practices in one or more specific areas of focus such as culturally responsive pedagogy, early childhood education, special education, teacher development, and more. These Learning Focus Areas (LFA’s) are identified by educators as areas of greatest importance or need in their schools.

“The best PD often comes from our peers and our colleagues. The Showcase Schools program is an amazing opportunity for teachers and school leaders to have an impact on the greater system...”

Mark Federman, Principal

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program priorities

The Showcase Schools program is deeply committed to exposing educators to promising practices and the conditions that help them thrive. In order to empower our visitors to become agents of change, we aim to promote asset-oriented mindsets and highlight the systems and processes that support a school’s Learning Focus Area. We look forward to sharing our progress as a result of these efforts and to the work ahead!


“This was a paradigm-shifting, career-changing experience for me and has brought my teaching skills and abilities to a new level that stretched me way out of my comfort zone.

showcase visitor

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program components


The power of storytelling brings people together. Showcase Schools receive guidance on how to tell their school’s story in compelling ways in order to empower others who are looking to spark similar change in their schools.

fellows program

Teacher leaders are identified from each Showcase School to lead the planning and development of Showcase visits.

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